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These are some links to some of the things, that we have something to do with.

Standard Deep 13 Mad Scientist Uniform

Direct Connection Links
MST3K World Pretty much the entire reason for this website.
Satellite Of Love's Webpage That nincompoop's, that we sent into space, and robot's webpage.
The Bot Building Company Our official bot selling company. (created by, and maintained by writers on the show)
MST3K Where would we be without them?

Related, and useful sites.
Joe Crow's page Excellent place to pick up bot parts.
About.Com's MST3K related stuff. Excellent page for anything you need related to MST3K
MST3K Fan Fiction Page Pretty funny fan fictions.
MiSTing Heaven Some more pretty funny fan fictions
MST4K Pretty cool fan fics with some originality
The surfer's MST3K Main Page Nice place for tape trading, and bot parts, not as much variety as Joe, but pretty good prices on some of the parts